Friday, May 29, 2020

The Covid19 Lockdown Is Working In New Zealand

The Covid19 Lockdown Is Working In New Zealand
 'Stay home save live' is a quote used by many meaning While people are at home it is difficult for the virus to spread keeping people safe. While the lockdown was in place lesser people caught the virus due to staying in their own bubble. I strongly believe that the four stages of lockdown has helped guide New Zealand throughout these tougher times. With the lockdown being tough on many not being able to do everyday normal activates I believe it is the key to staying safe.
With coronavirus being the most deadly virus there is many have lost their lives . Luckily New Zealand has only lost 21 people to the virus. Other countries around the world have lost thousands of people due to this deadly virus. With numbers rising. Throughout the world millions are isolating trying to avoid this deadly virus. While other countries were more lenient with their lockdown New Zealand was firm to save lives.

 New Zealand has a low death toll. 1,153 people in New Zealand have caught covid19 but 1,442 people have recovered. I believe New Zealand has a low death toll because of the lockdown we put in place. While being firm during lockdown we mangang to save lives. By only having the essential services available we were limited to what we had. With no one outside there wasn't much infections going around meaning New Zealand's death toll was low. 

Slowing down the economy and people's lives covid19 is the most deadly disease. While we try to prevent it from infecting us there is only a certain amount of things we can do. we go into lockdown /self isolation. Lockdown has helped save many lives and patancal cases. For this to continue working we need to all play our part and stay in our bubbles. I strongly agree that the lockdown has helped New Zealand for the better. 

lockdown has benefited use in many ways. By staying home we slowed down the virus. While staying in our bobbles we Stop more infections then there needed to be. In conclusion the covid19 lockdown was a good idea to help New Zealand.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

my lockdown reflection

I found it easy to film the videos because my friends helped me with all of the tools and I had used this particular site before.
I found it hard to edit the videos because I  unfamiliar with so of tools making it difficult to edit efficiently.
Next time I need to be more aware of which task we are doing and how to do it properly.